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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother's hamster is big. My sister's hamster is ... his.
smaller than
My cat is not friendly at all. Your cat is ... mine.
friendlier than
My scooter is slow. Your scooter is ... mine
faster than
Your school is small. My school is ... than yours.
bigger than
My grandmother is old. Your grandmother is ... my grandmother.
younger than
My mom is short. You mom is much ... than my mom.
taller than
Make a sentence compare your best friend and you.
My best friend is funnier than me.
Make a sentence compare two family members.
Ex: My sister is cleverer than my brother.
Make a sentence compare one of your parent and you.
Ex: My dad is taller than me.
No places in the world is ... my hometown. (friendly)
friendlier than
This tree is ... that tree. (short)
shorter than
The old car is ... the modern car. (slow)
slower than
No one in class is ... than Nam. (strong)
stronger than
She is ... her brother. (young)
younger than
Lan's house is ... my house. (big)
bigger than
My grandpa is ... my grandma. ( old )
older than
No one in the class is ... than Nam. (clever)
cleverer than
The green monster is ... the red one. (ugly)
uglier than
This kitten is ... that kitten. (cute)
cuter than