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NNAg Term Test Review (Reading/Grammar)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence with the correct "past perfect" verb: Ruri _____ to her grandmother on the phone.
A. had talked _____B. have talked _____C. had talk
Complete the sentence with the correct "past perfect" verb: Stella _____ all her homework.
A. have finished _____B. had finished _____C. had finish
Complete the sentence with the correct "past perfect" verb: Logan _____ all the pizza.
A. had eat_____B. have eaten _____C. had eaten
Complete the sentence with the correct "to be" verb: Brian _____ happy.
A. are _____B. has _____C. is
Complete the sentence with the correct "to be" verb: Logan _____ a student.
A. are _____B. were _____C. is
In Schools Around the World, what is an advantage of students working as performers?
a. they may have less time to study _____b. they may become too tired _____c. they not only improve their talents, but also study
In Schools Around the World, what do students at boarding schools NOT do together?
a. study different subjects _____b. go home for visits and on holidays _____c. play in the playground
In Schools Around the World, what do children learn in afterschool lessons?
a. things they don’t like _____b. things they can’t learn in school _____c. things they already know about
In Schools Around the World, what is Braille?
a. It helps blind students read _____b. It helps deaf students hear _____c. It helps mute students speak
In Schools Around the World, what is the school name for when the parent decides exactly what their children will learn?
a. special schooling _____b. public schooling _____c. home schooling
In Eddie Met the Author, why did Eddie run out of time to ask his question?
a. He was too shy to ask. _____b. The other students were asking many questions. _____c. Eddie did not have a question prepared to ask.
In Eddie Met the Author, what did the author say being a reader makes you better at?
a. playing sports _____b. singing _____c. writing
In Eddie Met the Author, where did Eddie write down his question for the author?
a. He wrote it on his hand. _____b. He wrote in on a yellow piece of paper. _____c. He wrote it down in a book.
In Eddie Met the Author, what was the male teacher’s name?
a. Mr. Chickeroni _____b. Mr. Chickerella _____c. Mr. Chickissimo
In Eddie Met the Author, in Eddie’s mind, what did the author look like?
a. a student _____b. a famous person _____c. a mom or a teacher
In Ruby the Copy Cat, how did the class react after Ruby showed how she hops?
a. They cheered, clapped, and copied her. _____b. They were very quiet. ____c. They all yelled and made fun of her.
In Ruby the Copy Cat, where does Ruby sit on her first day?
a. Ruby sits next to the television. _____b. Ruby sits next to the teacher’s desk. ____c. Ruby sits behind Angela, a pretty student.
In Ruby the Copy Cat, what did Ruby copy every day when she came to school?
a. Ruby copied someone’s answer. _____b. Ruby copied what Angela was wearing. ____c. Ruby did not copy anything.
In Ruby the Copy Cat, when and where did Ruby go to copy Angela?
a. Ruby went home at lunchtime to copy Angela ._____b. Ruby went to school in the morning to copy Angela. ____c. Ruby went to home during breakfast to copy Ange
In Ruby the Copy Cat, what was Ruby's poem about?
a. Dogs _____b. Cats _____c. Dolphins _____d. Hamsters