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Cookery 10 Q3 R

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color of chopping board is used in cutting Sea foods?
Blue chopping board
Kind of fish has no internal bone structure?
The tool used for removing bone especially in preparing fillet?
Bone Tweezer
What cooking method is suited to fat fish?
It is a handy way to remember that the food that has been bought in first needs to be consumed first.
The oldest method to preserve or store vegetables.
One of the methods of preserving food by using pressure cooker where vegetables are heated to kill microorganisms that can cause spoilage.
. Canning
It is the space between the food and the edge of the plate.
1 inch
This is the method of cooking vegetables where it is plunge into water to stop the cooking process.
This is the form of vegetables where vegetables are preserved.
A. Canned