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brg grm ~ past simple q/a

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you / play / video games / last month?
did you play video games last month?
you / eat / vegetables / last night?
did you eat vegetables last night?
what favorite subject / you / learn / at school / last week?
what favorite subject did you learn at school last week?
your family / laugh / yesterday?
did your family laugh yesterday?
where / you / go / last Eid holiday?
where did you go last Eid holiday?
where / you / spend / last year's holiday?
where did you spend last year's holiday?
what / you / do / last weekend?
what did you do last weekend?
what time / the latest / you / stayed awake?
what time was the latest you stayed awake?
what time / the earliest / you woke up?
what time was the earliest you woke up?
where / you / go swimming / before the pandemic?
where did you go swimming before the pandemic?
when / you / last shop / for a toy?
when did you last shop for a toy?
when / the last time / you / get / in trouble?
when was the last time you got in trouble?
when / you / last / give / a present / to someone?
when did you last give a present to someone?
what youtube channel / you / watch / 2 days ago ?
what youtube channel did you watch 2 days ago?
you / play / games / yesterday?
did you play games yesterday?
when / you / born?
when were you born?
when / you / start / learning / english?
when did you start learning english?
what / you / eat / for dinner / last night?
what did you eat for dinner last night?
what / you / movie / watch / last month?
what movie did you watch last month?