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Uncle Sam Unit 15, 16, & 17

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the function of the 4 military branches of the United States.
Army - ground troops; Navy - sea troops; Air Force - air and air waves; Marines - ground troops and first into battle
In 3 complete sentences describe the work of an ambassador today.
Represent the US in their designated country; hold state dinners; host diplomats; respond to other governments on behalf of the US.
States offer opportunities for higher education in state colleges and universities and also in what?
Community Colleges
What is one of the most important jobs a state Governor has to do?
Prepare a budget
When do most state legislatures meet?
Once a year in the spring
What is the group of senior military officers that is responsible for the readiness of the US military?
Joint Chiefs of Staff
What are MRE's?
Meals Ready to Eat
When a cadet graduates from the US Military Academy, he or she is commissioned with what rank?
What branch of the military works closely with the Navy and specializes in amphibious landings?
What are the four branches of the United States military?
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines
The arrangement whereby high-ranking diplomats are protected from arrest in the country where they serve?
Diplomatic Immunity
The title for the official who is appointed by the President to represent the United States in several countries?
Ambassador at large
The official representative of a head of state to the government of another country?
A formal, written agreement between two or more countries?
What is the term for one country saying that the government of another country is real and in control of its country?
Diplomatic Recognition