Edit Game
Unit 5: Great places to visit

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When did they sing the anthem? (5 years ago)
They sang the anthem 5 years ago.
When did you find the keys? (1 week ago)
I found the keys 1 week ago.
Rewrite using AGO. My uncle lived in South-America in 1972. (Today is 2022)
My uncle lived in South-America 50 years ago.
Today is 2022.My brother was born in Italy 30 years ago. Which year was he born?
My brother was born in Italy in 1992.
Rewrite using AGO. We got married in 2020. (Today is 2022)
We got married two years ago.
Today is January. They arrived in Athens six months ago. In which month did they arrive?
They arrived in Athens in July.
When did you eat the cake? (Three months ago)
I ate a cake three months ago.
WAS/WERE/DID. _______ the girls angry after their fight?
WAS/WERE/DID. _______ the information in the newspaper?
WAS/WERE/DID. _______ his parents on time at the station last night?
WAS/WERE/DID. _______ your sister happy when she opened your present?
WAS/WERE/DID. _______ they invite you to dinner last Sunday?
WAS/WERE/DID. When _______ she buy her new car?
WAS/WERE/DID. Where ______ you spend your last holidays?
Write an interrogative sentence related to the picture.
Did she finish the book? What did she read yesterday?
Write a negative sentence related to the picture.
They didn't go to the supermarket
Write a negative sentence related to the picture.
The plant didn't have enough water.
Write an interrogative sentence related to the picture.
Did he bake cookies?
Write an affirmative sentence related to the picture.
They played rugby this weekend
Write this verb in the past: plan
Write this verb in the past: try
Write this verb in the past: decide
Write this verb in the past: travel
Write this verb in the past: stop
Write this verb in the past: buy
Write this verb in the past: play
Answer the question. When did they see the film?
They saw the film...
Answer the question. What did he learn at school yesterday?
He learnt...
Answer the question. Did she have a nice weekend?
Yes, she did / No, she didn't
Answer the question. What did they watch on TV last night?
They watched...
Answer the question. Where did she go for her last holiday?
She went to...
Answer the question. Did you have fun with your friends yesterday?
Yes, I did / No, I didn't
When they ___________ young, they really ________ to be astronauts.
were / wanted
I ________ Sonia in the supermarket but we _________
met or saw / didn't talk
We ___________ at the airport at six, but our flight __________ (not) until twelve!
arrived / wasn't
Dean _________ to the waiter, but the waiter ___________ (not) him.
called / didn't hear
She ___________ (not) the film last week, it _____ very boring.
didn't like / was
She ____________ (not) to the cinema becuase she ____ sick.
didn't go / was
They ________ their keys yesterday. They need to buy new ones.
They __________ a cake for us in our birthday
baked / cooked
The last time I ________ to concert was in 2009
They __________ video games the whole night
The new ___________ has saunas and solariums next to the gym.
sports centre
The __________ is open every day so people can study for the final tests.
I went into a _________ to buy some medicines.
The _____________ is presenting an exhibition of Picasso's work.
The children were fascinated by the toys in the big ___________.
department store
As I was looking through some books in a ________ and I decided to buy one.
The suspect was taken to the ____________ for questioning.
police station
My grandfather used to buy a daily newspaper at the ____________
They queued to get into the ___________ and watch the movie.
I study Journalism at an ___________ in Boston.