Edit Game
Vocabulary 1 unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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hobbies:my hobby is playing fortnite.
an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working
overnight: overnight during the night I sleep.
an overnight stop in Paris
choresI like to paint when I do homework.
Work, working and the workplace
french fries:me gusta cocinar papas fritas.
long, thin pieces of potato that are fried and eaten hot
junk food:like every friday junk food.
food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
healthy food:Eating healthy food will make me strong.
We buy healthy food at the supermarket.
health care:I take care of my health by eating fruits and vegetables.
She worked in health care for 15 years.
let:My parents let me jump on the bed.
He decided to let his hair grow long.
make:I make my bed every day.
Do you want me to make some coffee?
permiso: Tengo permiso para salir.
Si a alguien se le da permiso para hacer algo, se le permite hacerlo:
obligation:I have the obligation to take care of my cousin of 2 years.
the fact that you are obliged to do something:
right:I am correct in lending food to my friend.
"Is that Ms Kramer?" "Yes, that's right."
resposbility: I have the responsibility to take care of the family
something that it is your job or duty to deal with.
disrespectful:I'm disrespectful when they say don't run
lacking respect:
impolite:behaving in a way that is not socially correct and shows a lack of understanding of and care for other people's feelings:
I am impolite when I yell at someone
cortés: soy cortés cuando me siento a comer
behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people's feelings: I'm afraid I wasn't very polite to her.
respectful:showing admiration for someone or something:
I am respectful when I say please
Respect:admiration felt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities
respect when others are speaking
Share to divide food, money, goods, etc. and give part of it to someone else
Verb share is a god practice