Edit Game
Vocabulary 1 Unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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permission: f someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it
Noun I ask my parents permission to go out and play
obligation : the fact that you are obliged to do something
Noun I have the obligation to set the table
healthy food: food healthy food is the opposite of junk food, it is very good for your health.
Noun I am strong, healthy and nourished by all the bitamines that the health food
Health care: the services provided by a country or an organization that involve caring for people's health and treating people who are ill
Noun doctors have health care
junk food: food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
Noun eating junk food is bad for your health
Right: Right or left is a direction or a sign or different sides.
Adjetive With my right hand I touch my belly and with my left hand my head.
responsibility: something that it is your job or duty to deal with
Noun I have the responsibility to order my room
French fries: long, thin pieces of potato that are fried and eaten hot
plural noun I eat fries with ice cream
chores: a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly
Noun I do my English homework after my classes
overnight: During the night there are services, jobs, and companies that work at that time.
adverb during the night I sleep in bed
Share:to have or use something at the same time as someone else
Noun I bought a motorcycle and paid for it in installments
disrespectful: disrespectful or disrespectful is when people don't have manners
adjective There are very disrespectful people
respecful: showing politeness or honour to someone or something
Adjetive he is a very respectful person
Respect: admirationfelt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities
Noun I respect older people
Impolite: behaving in a way that is not socially correct and shows a lack of understanding of and care for other people's feelings:
Adjetive there are many people who are rude
polite: behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people's feelings
Adjetive there are a lot of very educated people
Rude: not polite; offensive or embarrassing
adjetive that person is rude
make: To make a film or television programme is to direct, produce it, or act in it
Verb I make shoes
let: used to show that you accept what is going to happen, although you do not like it
Verb If I move something from its place, I have to leave it in its place.
hobbies: an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working
Noun I have a fondness for soccer