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Fractions for Afterschool

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The girls baked a cake. They cut the cake into 8 slices. They ate 6 slices so what fraction of the cake was left?
draw a picture representing 7/8
picture on white board
Great than, Less than, equal too 5/10 ________ 1/2
Greater than, less than, or equal too 11/12 _____10/12
John owns 14 toy cars. 7 are black and 7 are green. What is the fraction of green cars?
7/14 or 1/2 green cars
The red worm was 3/4 of an inch and the blue worm was 8/8 of an inch. Which worm is shorter?
The red worm 3/4 is smaller than 8/8
Great than, Less than, equal too 3/4 ________ 5/6
Turn into a proper fraction. 12/3
A book has 25 pages and Lilly only read 15 pages. What is the fraction of pages she read and can you put in simplest form?
15/25 or 3/5
Andrea found 12 books on unicorns and 4 books on underwater sea life at the library.  She checked out 9 books. What is the fraction of books she checked out that she saw?
draw a picture representing 6/12
picture on white board
What is an improper fraction?
The numerator will be larger than the denominator.
What does Equivalent Fractions mean?
fractions that represent the same value, even though they look different
Find an equivalent fraction. 1/2 =
answers can vary
Add 1/2 + 1/2=
Turn into a proper fraction 5/2
2 1/5
Katie  and Luna have to clear the snow from the driveway.  Katie clears 5/9 and Luna clears 4/9 of the snow. Did Katie and Luna clear all the snow from the driveway?
Yes they cleared all the snow. 9/9
There are 24 students in the class. 14 are girls. What is the fraction of the boys in the class?
The boys are 10/24
Sofia ate 2 slices of pizza, Sarah ate 3 slices of pizza, and Bryan ate only 1 slice. There was 12 slices of pizza. What fraction did Sofia eat and what was the fraction of pizza leftover?
Sofia ate 2/12 of the pizza and there was 6/12 or 1/2 of the pizza leftover. 
Which ones are the common fractions? 6/12, 8/10, 1/2, 4/8, 3/4
6/12, 1/2, 4/8,
Jesse ate 6/8 of his pizza and Kenny ate 5/6 of his pizza. Who ate less?
Jesse ate less pizza.
Greater than, less than, or equal too 2/6 ____________5/5
< less than
Greater than, less than, or equal too 1/3 ___________ 3/4
Are 2/4 and 6/12 equivalent?
What is a denominator?
The number below the line in a fraction.