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Day 3 Review 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Customers experience a lapse in coverage after how many days?
Fill in the blank: A _______ renewal is when a customer funds/promises a renewal before their expiration date.
Can you renew an invalid evergreen customer?
Is the following statement a good example of building rapport: While many companies can beat us on price, none can build us on cost!
Fill in the blank: Agents are expected to earn a ________ from QA on the scored calls.
What are the most important elements of the Selling & Securing section of the QA guide?
Asking Probing Questions, Assuming the Sale & Overcoming Objections
Why is it important to acknowledge with empathy?
It's crucial to start by acknowledging a customer's concerns before trying to overcome. Otherwise, we could sound dismissive or argumentative.
If an option is added to a contract, does it have to be paid in full or will the invoice be adjusted?
Paid in full
Is the following a probing question: "Is your home a single-family residence under 5,000 sq. ft."
No - This would be a qualifying question
Fill in the blank: Understanding a customers _________ needs sets you up to build value as it relates to the customer.
If after a brief attempt you cannot save a customer wishing to cancel, which department would you transfer them to?
Can a customer whose contract was previously cancelled, reinstate coverage?
No - They would have to start a new DTC contract
True/False - As a consumer sales agent you are allowed to process cancellations?
Can a customer swap from HSA to AHS at renewal?
Do you have to read the limitations & liability after EVERY sale?
No! Only after DTC sales