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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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translate: вони вже розказали мені всю історію, не хвилюйся
they have already told me the whole story, don't worry.
yesterday he (to fix) a car for 3 hours (+neggative and question)
he was fixing, he wan't fixing, was he fixing?
translate: він отримав хорошу роботу? не дивлячись на те, що він не намагався це зробити
he got a great job, although, though, even though he didn't try to do it
what does it mean " GJ"
they (to watch) an action film now, mum (to clean) the house, I (to play) computer games, Sindy (to sing) now.
are watching, is cleaning, am playing, is singing
you can take a day off (......) relax
to, so as to, in order to, so that to
translate: я завершу це ессе завтра o 10 ранку, для мене це дуже легко (Idiom)
I will finish this essay tomorrom at 10 a. m. it like a piece of cake.
she (to be) a good student, she (not, to have) any bad mark
she is, she doen't have
ми будемо грати на ф-но 2 години (+negattive and question)
we will be playing the piano for two hours. we will not be playing. will we be playing?
translate: не дивлячись на важкий багаж, вони не хотіли викликати таксі та пішли пішли.
in spite of \ despite the heavy luggage, they didn't want to take taxi and went on foot
translate: вони вирішили організувати вечірку, запросили багато друзів, купити їжу, принесли настільні ігри.
they decided to orginise the party, invited a lot of friends, bought food, brought table games.
he kept the door open (in case \ so as to\ for \ though) let fresh air in.
so as to
he (to swim) in the local pool for the whole day tomorrow
he will be swimming
(not to read) in present simple for I,you, he,she, it, we, they
I, you, we , they - don't read. he,she, it - doesn't read
they (to go) to school tomorrow (+neggative and question)
they will go, they will not go. will they go?
translate: якби я зустрів режисера аніме, я б попросив автограф
if I met a director of anime, I would ask for the autograph
translate: якби вони готувалися до диктанту, вони отримали б вищі бали
if they had prepared for the dictation, they would got higher marks
he has (cheap) jacket than my dad
I was (scaring \ scared) of horror film but the others said it was (satisfied \ satisfing)
scared, satisfing
the disaster caused so (many, much) noise that nobody could sleep
they (to begin) a party before he came (+neggative and question)
they had begun the party . they had not begun the party. had they begun the party?
If his parents (to give) him a million dollars, he (to buy) an appartment in NYC
gave, would buy
I ( to accomplish, already) this task
I have already accomplish this task
they (not, to paint) this picture yet
have not painted
in spite of \ although \ despite rain, he went out with friends
in spite of, despite
translate: не дивлячись на те, що він був втомлений, він допоміг мамі помити посуд
(although, though, even though) he was tired, he helped his mum to wash the dishes.
comparison of adjective " extravagant"
more extravagant, the most extravagant
translate: якщо я буду жити в Лондоні, я буду надсилати листівку кожного місяця
if I live in London, I will send you a postcard every month
my friend (to join) us, if he (to finish) house hold chores
will join, finishes
translate: коли я був дитиною, моя сім'я та я прикрашали ялинку кожного Грудня
when i was a kid, my family and I decorated the Christmas tree every December
translate: Вона робила цей проект протягом 6 тижнів?
was she doinng this project for six month?
they (to arrive) when I was cooking the dinner
in Ukraine winter is (cold) season
the coldest
what does it mean "GR8" ?
I have to admit that it was (bad) b-day party in my life
the worst
if he (to buy) a ner car last year, he (can go) to Kyiv by his own
had bought, could have gone
last month I ate so (many \ much) ice crem
please, give me back my money (for \ in order that \ so that \ so as to) I could buy a present for the bridesmaid
in order that, so that
in my opinion it was (the most boring \ the most bored) film I heave ever seen
the most boring
I am waiting (in case \ for \ so that) the bussiness meeting
what does it mean "ASAP"
this PC is (expensive) than in our city
more expensive
(even thought \ despite \ in spite of \ although) she is very beautiful, he doesn't like her.
even thought, although
if you (to heat) the ice, it (to melt)
heat, mealts
the starts (after \ to\ in \ within) twenty minutes
in twenty minutes
he (not to read) a book right now
is not reading
I was (excited \ exciting) about this gorgeous trip
what does it mean "CTN" ?
my classmate has (big) rucksack in the school
the biggest
she (to drink) a cup of tea every morning