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Jobs and work

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name some factors that influence our choice of a job position?
Family, distance, salary, means of transport, working hours, overtimes, working conditiions, other benefits-health care service, kindergarden, sickday, vacation
Will you work in Slovakia or abroad? Explain your choice.
your answer
What does an electrician do? What skill should he have?
your answer
Benefits for an employee. Give examples
your answer
Name some badly-paid jobs
your answer
Name some well-paid jobs
your answer
What jobs are vanishing/disappearing nowadays.
your answer
What jobs are popular among young people nowadays?
your answer
What does it mean when we say mental or intelektual work or job
That you usually use your mind to create something
What does it mean when we say manual work or job
That you usually work with your hands
What parts does a CV have?
Photo, personal details, education and qualification, work experiences, skills (hard and soft), interests, references
What is curriculum vitae or resume?
A short document with information about you.
What is a job application or cover letter?
a letter that is written and sent to a company to apply for a job
What do you need when applying for a job?
A job application, a CV-curriculum vitae, certificates and diplomas + documents proving youŕ skills
Where can you find a job offer?
Among friends, on the internet or in newspapers, you can go to job/employment office or job agency.
Give 3 examples of hard skills.
technical skills, computer skills, languages, writing, Internet, management
Give 3 examples of soft skills.
Adaptability, communication, creative thinking, resposibility, work ethic, teamwork, positivity, motivation, time management, flexibility, problem solving, crit
HARD skill? Explain.
Hard skills are abilities that related to what you can DO. They can be learned.
SOFT skill? Explain.
Soft skills are non technical skills related to how you work, interact with colleagues, solve problems... Usually they can express your personal attitude.
Why do people quit their jobs?
They move house, bad working conditions, low salary, bad boss
When you are 65 years old ...
you are retired
I am going to quit my job! means...
I am going to leave my job or resign.
What does it mean to be "laid off"
You lose your job, because the company is reducing the amount of employees
What is the diffrerence between pay raise and promotion?
Pay raise means increasing your salary and promotion means increasing your authority, position or career
What is salary?
Money you get for your work
Another terms for : Working from home...
Home office, work remotely, remote working
to commute means
to travel to work by car or public transport
Extra hours in addition to normal working hours
When you work a specific block of hours at night, or in the morning, or in the afternoon or evening
Flex-time .What is it?
The employee can set his own working schedule
Permanent job. What is it?
a job for an unspecified period of time (práca na dobu neurčitú)
Temporary job.What is it?
a job for a specific period of time , for example 1 year (práca na dobu určitú)
When you get hired, what kind of paper do you need to sign with your employer?
a contract
When you work usually 15-25 hours a week it means that
you have a part -time job
When you work usually 40 hours a week it means that
you have a full-time job
Another word for a person who is in charge of the work
Boss or supervisor
How do we call people who work together for a company
colleagues, co-workers, staff
What is the difference between an employee and an employer
An employee is a person who works for someone and an employer is a person who gives you a job/work
The opposite of to hire
to fire