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Double conjunctions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Please buy ( apples + bananas +).
Please buy both apples and bananas.
You can watch (the film/the cartoon).
You can watch either the film or the cartoon.
I can ( go for a walk - do sports -). I feel sick.
I can neither go for a walk nor do sports. I feel sick.
The weather is (cold - warm -). It's cool.
The weather is neither cold nor warm. It's cool.
I can cook ( porridge / omelette) for breakfast.
I can cook either porridge or omelette for breakfast.
He speaks (English - French -)
He speaks neither English nor French.
We have time to go ( the museum/ the gallery). Choose.
We have time to go either to the museum or to the gallery. Choose.
He's ( a top sportsman + a famous writer +)
He 's both a top sportsman and a famous writer.
I've got problems ( at home + in my job +)
I've got problems both at home and in my job.
She ( looked at me - said anything -)
She neither looked at me nor said anything.
This car is ( fast - comfortable -)
This car is neither fast nor comfortable.
He did well ( maths + history +)
He did well both Maths and History.
I'd like to work with (animals/children)
I'd like to work either with animals or children.
I think she's (Scottish/Irish)
I think she's either Scottish or Irish.
I can (draw - sing -)
I can neither draw nor sing.
You can have (coffee/tea).
You can have either coffee or tea.
She speaks (Chinese + Japanese + )
She speaks both Chinese and Japanese.