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This is the second time Ms. Dany teaches at Y4?
False !!!! This is the fourth time !!! Ms. Dany loves Y4.
Ms. Dany has had in her whole life:  one cat, four fish and more than 6 dogs. True or false?
Ms.Dany has studied in 2 Universities . True or false ?
False : In Five : USP, University of Toronto, Uninove, Cruzeiro do Sul and UniDom Bosco.
Ms. Gabi has fractured her tailbone before . True or false ?
Ms. Gabi has lived in Boston for more than two years. True or false?
Ms. Jana loves the blue colour. True or false? 
Ms. Dany has 4 aunts. True or false ?
Ms. Jana loves drama movies. True or false ?
Ms. Dany has also taught the little ones. True or false?
True. Nursery was her first group.
Ms. Dany loves going to concerts and she has been to more than 15 concerts in her life. True or false ?
Super true. I 've been to many concerts .