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What happened to Helen at the end of The Trojan War?
She returned to Sparta with Menelaus
Who won The Trojan War?
The Greeks
What happened at the end of the Trojan War?
The Greeks sacked Troy and destroyed the city
What is the main reason The Trojan War lasted so long?
Troy was protected by a large wall and the Greeks could not get into the city
How long was The Trojan War?
10 years
What was the plan with the Trojan horse?
The Greeks left it outside the walls of Troy with a messenger that it was a gift of surrender. Greek soldiers hid inside.
What did Cassandra warn her father, King Priam, about?
The Trojan horse
Which goddess helped Odysseus come up with the idea for the Trojan horse?
Athena, goddess of wisdom
Which Greek hero had the idea for the Trojan horse?
This Greek hero was only second to Achilles...
Who was the greatest hero of Troy?
Which Trojan prince kidnapped Helen?
Where was Achilles's weak spot that eventually cost him his life?
His heel
According to Homer, who is the greatest Greek hero ever to have lived?
The Trojan War most likely did not happen and is considered...
A myth, or, mythological
Who was the Trojan War between?
The Greek city states and the city state of Troy
Who was Helen's husband?
What was Helen known as?
The most beautiful woman in the world
Where was Helen originally from?
The Greek city-state, Sparta
What is an "Odyssey?"
A long journey
What epic poem is the sequel to the Illiad?
The Odyssey
How was the original story told?
Oral tradition - by word of mouth. Homer told the story aloud.
What is the name of the epic poem that tells the story of the Trojan War?
The Illiad
Who told the original story of the Trojan War?