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vocabulary #1
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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my friend practice the examintion
i am practice my examination
i imagination the plan
i have a plan
1 i memorize new words everyday
2 i memorize 20 words
me and mi brother discuss what we are going to eat
my theacher and my theacher discuss ideas
1 my mom compare the weight of fruits
2 my dad compares the price of things
1 my teacher is check my homework
2 my mom is check list
2 my brainston doesn´t rhink
2 my brain is relaxed
1 she analyze my homework
2 my mom analyze my examination
1 my sister have suggestion
2 my mom i have suggestion
1 i my teacher has powerpoint presentation
my directo has presentation powerpoint
1 i prarticipated a lot in class
2 brother participate a lot in his class
1 my mom is very motivation
2 my dad is very very motivation
1 my theacher gave me instructions
2 my mom gave my dad instruction
1 you have to take good care of information
2 my dad in this notebook save all his information
1 i have a great imagination
2 my mom says l have to have more imagination
1 my sister is education at home
2 my mom called the ministry of education
1 my brother is very distraction
2the tv is distraction
1 she cheks my homewor
2 my mom check me agenda
1. I have difficulty concentration
2. i have excellent concentration
1.i have a communication conference
2. i love class communication