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Chapter 3 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The crab spider looks like flower petals. The spider sits in a flower, waiting patiently for an insect to land. The spider then quickly eats the insect for a tasty treat. What is the relationship?
Ants hollow out the thorns of the acacia bush to make their home. When a cow or other animal tries to eat the bush, the ants attack and sting the invader until it stops. What is the relationship?
The social weaver bird, which lives in Africa, builds its nest with added room for its partner, the pygmy falcon. In return, the falcon forcefully protects the nest, providing protection for the weaver bird. What is the relationship?
A tapeworm lives in the intestines of its host, absorbing the food that passes through. The worm causes discomfort and weight loss in its ill-fated host. What type of relationship is this?
A tick attaches to a deer and consumes blood, harming the deer. This is a an example of what type of relationship?
The relationship between a mouse and an owl is called ?
predator-prey relationship
The shark and the remora fish have a relationship that benefits the remora but neither helps or harms the shark. What type of relationship is this?
A scientist observes that both birds and snakes in the same ecosystem depend on the same mouse species as a food source. The relationship between the snakes and the birds is called ?