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Story Problems 2

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For lunch, 603 students selected chocolate milk and 825 selected regular milk. To the nearest hundred, how many milks were taken total?
In one month a furniture store sold 714 plastic chairs and 645 wooden chairs. To the nearest ten, how many chairs did they sell total?
In one day, a mail truck gave out 166 letters and 145 magazines. To the nearest hundred, how many pieces of mail did was delivered total?
In one year a photographer took 322 pictures of animals and 859 pictures of people. To the nearest ten, how many pictures did he take total?
After the party, Kevin estimated that the total money they spent on food, drinks, and utensils for the 25 guests sums up to $560. If they spent $268 on food and $118 on utensils, how much did they spend on drinks?
First, 268 + 118 = 386; then 560 – 386 = 174 They spent $174.00 on drinks.
Kevin prepared some chips. If he prepared 350 grams of chips and his father prepared 268 grams, how much did Keven prepare than his father? ?
First, 350 - 268 = 82
Kevin is having a party, he prepared a few snacks for everyone. If his sister prepared 25 mini cupcakes and his mother prepared 30, how many did his grandmother prepare if they have a total of 100 cupcakes?
First, 25 + 30 = 55; then 100 – 55 = 45 His grandmother prepared 45 mini cupcakes.
They entered the 200 foot long circus tent and saw that there were four seating sections for the audience. If each section can accommodate 246 people, how many people can the tent accommodate in total?
4 x 246 = 984 The tent can accommodate 984 people
Rob has 2 favorite buildings that are Chicago’s Sears Tower and Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. If Burj Khalifa stands at 830 meters high and Sears Tower stands at 527 meters high, how much higher is Burj Khalifa than Sears Tower?
830 – 527 = 303 Burj Khalifa is 303m higher than Sears Tower.
Rob also compared the Empire State Building and the Petronas Towers. What is the height difference between the two if the Empire State Building is 443m tall and the Petronas Towers is 452m tall?
452 – 443 = 9 The difference between the heights of the two buildings is 9 meters
Rob compared Canada’s CN Tower and Seattle’s Space Needle. How tall is the Space Needle if the CN Tower stands at 553m high and it is taller than the Space Needle by 369m?
553 – 369 = 184 The Space Needle in Seattle is 184 meters tall.
Pinky made 147 miniature pumpkin pies for everyone and Helen made 56. How many miniature pies do they have in total?
147 + 56 = 203 There 203 miniature pumpkin pies in total.
Pinky the Pig bought 36 apples while Danny the Duck bought 73 apples and 14 bananas. How many apples do they have altogether?
36 + 73 = 109 There are 109 apples altogether.
Dylan the Dog prepared 241 hotdog sticks in a huge brown bag. His father placed 426 more hotdog sticks in the same brown bag. How many hotdog sticks did Dylan and his father place in the brown bag?
241 + 426 = 667 Dylan and his father placed 667 hotdog sticks in the brown bag.
Helen’s mother brought 101 hotdogs. After a few hours, Dylan’s mother arrived with 379 hotdogs and 600 buns. How many hotdogs do they have altogether?
101 + 379 = 480 They have 480 hotdogs.
Janine needs 280 cups of mushroom soup. If the first team made 90 cups in 60 minutes, and the third team made 70 cups in 90 minutes, how any cups should the second team prepare in order to meet the required amount of soup? 
First, 90 + 70 = 160; then, 280 – 160 = 120 The second team needs to prepare 120 cups of soup.
Helen baked 435 chocolate chip cookies yesterday and 139 cookies this morning. How many cookies did Helen bake?
435 + 139 = 574 Helen baked 574 cookies.
Rob remembered the Eiffel Tower,was the tallest structure in the world in 1887. If the Eiffel Tower is 324m tall, how much lower is it compared to today’s tallest man-made structure the Burj Khalifa stands at 830 meters?
30 – 324 = 506 The Eiffel Tower is lower than Burj Khalifa by 506 meters.