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Grade 3 Review for Science Fair

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give one reason why the bee population is decreasing.
Pests, Pathogens, Pesticides, Poor nutrition
The symbiotic relationship between a dog and a person is called ____. mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
Give one reason why animals are endangered.
deforestation, hunting, overfishing, pollution
True or False: Smooth surfaces have the most amount of friction.
False. ROUGH surfaces have the most amount of friction.
Th producers are at the ____ of the energy pyramid. bottom, middle, top
These are the producers in the energy pyramid. insects, fungi, plants, animals
Give one example of animal endemic in the Philippines.
bleeding heart dove, Palawan bearcat, pilandok, tarsier, tamaraw, pawikan, Philippine eagle, Palawan otter, Palawan bearcat
Animals that can be found in a certain place only are called? e______
Give three examples of pollinators.
bees, butterflies, ants, bats, wind, moths, bugs
An animal that eats both plants and meat is called _____.
______ is an adaptation wherein animals sleep during winter.
This is when animals move to another place to look for a warmer place to live.
The _____ is the part of a flower that attracts pollinators.
True of False: The male part of a flower is called the pistil.
False. The male part of a flower is called the STAMEN.
_____ is the part where the seed grows and becomes a fruit. stamen, ovary, sepal, anther
____ breaks down the food even more with the enzyme it produces. esophagus, large intestine, stomach
True or False: Fungi is a plant.
False. Fungi is NOT a plant.
Which is not a fungi? mushroom, yeast, grass, mold
The bone that protects the brain is called the ____.
The main organ of the respiratory system is the ______
What is the colorful part of the eye? i_____