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Pet Simulator X-

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Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Lava Slime hatched from a magma egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Flamingo hatched from a coconut egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Demon hatched from a hell egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Bobcat hatched from a cactus egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Monkey hatched from a wood egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Black Bear hatched from a grass egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Three-Headed Dragon hatched from a Magma egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Snow Ram hatched from a Yeti egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Rainbow Fish hatched from a rainbow egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Samurai bull hatched from a Samurai egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Phantom Wolf hatched from a haunted egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
King Cobra hatched from a relic egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Cyborg Bunny hatched from a metal egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Blimp Dragon hatched from a mechanical egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Gleebo the Alien hatched from a martian egg
Who is this and from what egg did it hatch?
Meebo in a Spaceship hatched from an Alien egg