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Why did in the end Ben make a dress for Tina?
Because Tina learned the lesson and tried really hard to calm down and she managed it!
Did the kids laugh at her and call her giant?
No, they didn’t. They all became friends.
What happened after Tina counted to ten?
People soon stopped making fun of her.
What does Brenda do when people are mean to her?
She counts to ten and takes a deep breath.
Is Tina angry now?
No, she isn’t. She is happy now.
Why do Ben and Brenda understand Tina?
Because they know what it is like to be different. People can be mean to them too.
How does Tina feel when Ben gives her the new dress?
She feels surprised because he is being nice to her.
(p.118) Is Tina having a fit because they are making fun of her?
No, she isn’t. She is counting to ten instead.
(p.118) What are the kids on page 118 doing?
They are laughing at Tina.
(p.117) What is Tina doing on page 117?
She is holding Ben and Brenda.
(p.116) Why is Ben giving Tina a dress?
Because Tina tried really hard to calm down and she managed it.