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Distance Time Graphs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A car journey on a day trip to the coast is recorded. How far did the car travel between 10:00 and 12:00?
30 km
A car journey on a day trip to the coast is recorded. How long in total did the car journey take?
5 hours
A car journey on a day trip to the coast is recorded. What was the speed in km/h for the first part of the journey?
40 km/h
A cyclist on a training ride records the distance she travels away from home. The data only shows the first 150 minutes of the ride before her cycling computer ran out of battery. After how many minutes did she decide to return home?
120 minutes
A cyclist on a training ride records the distance she travels away from home. The data only shows the first 150 minutes of the ride before her cycling computer ran out of battery. For how long was she stationary?
30 minutes
A cyclist on a training ride records the distance she travels away from home. The data only shows the first 150 minutes of the ride before her cycling computer ran out of battery. How far did she ride in the first 60 minutes?
32 km
Below is a distance-time graph describing a 1500 m race ran by Chris. How far had Chris run after 72 s?
Below is a distance-time graph describing a 1500 m race ran by Chris. During which part of the race was Chris running the slowest: beginning, middle or end?
Below is a distance-time graph describing a 1500 m race ran by Chris. How long did it take Chris to run the race?
282 s
Valentina is going for a bike ride. Below is a distance-time graph that describes her full journey. At what time did she return home?
Valentina is going for a bike ride. Below is a distance-time graph that describes her full journey. What was the total distance travelled during her journey?
50 km
Valentina is going for a bike ride. Below is a distance-time graph that describes her full journey. How long was she stationary for?
7.5 minutes