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Table Manners

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Eating wet food like cereal or soup requires a ________.
If you are asked a question while your mouth is full of food what should you do?
Raise up one finger to let them know you heard them, but will answer in one moment.
Make sure that you swallow your food before you _______with your friends.
What should you do if you notice food on your friend's lips/cheek?
Quietly let them know or point to where it is on yourself when they look at you
Should your bite of food FILL your mouth?
no- small bites are safer and easier to chew
What should you do if you saw food in stuck in your friend's teeth?
Quietly tell them or point to that spot on yourself when they look at you.
True or False: Eating neatly is something people around you care about?
True- Most people appreciate that
If you feel food on your lips what should you do?
Use your napkin to wipe if off
True or False: Eating neatly is something you should care about?
What should you do if someone else burps at the table?
ignore it
What should you do if you burp at the table?
Say "excuse me"
What are 3 things you should do when you are finished eating?
wipe face, wipe your hands, wipe the table, clean up your lunch, look around the floor
You should always have this nearby to help you stay clean while you eat?
You should chew with your mouth_________.