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This time period before the Renaissance was sometimes called the Dark Ages.
Middle Ages
Which Italian City-State was the center of culture and learning? (A. Rome, B. Venice, C. Milan, D. Florence)
D. Florence
Which technique was not used by Renaissance artists? (A. anatomy B. impression C. shading D. perspective
B. impression
Why did books and therefore people's literacy increase during the Renaissance?
Due to the invention of the printing press
What was the name of the man who invented the printing press around 1440?
Where can you find this painting?
On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
A philosophy that focused on the individual and emphasized people's ability and responsibility for their achievements.
What is this sculpture called? Who made it?
David by Michelangelo
What are the people who financially supported the arts called?
What two ancient civilizations inspired people during the Renaissance?
Ancient Greeks and Romans
The greatest of Florence bankers were the:
Medici family