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Speech Organs and Production (VOWELS)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Specify the tenseness of tongue and lip posture : a
Lax and neutral
Specify the tenseness of tongue and lip posture : ɔː
Lax and slightly rounded
Specify the tenseness of tongue and lip posture : ʊ
Lax and rounded
Specify the tenseness of tongue and lip posture : uː
Tense and rounded
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : ɚ
Mid,neutral, lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue :ʌ
Mid,neutral, lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue :ə
Mid,neutral, lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : æ
Low,neutral, lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : ɛ
Mid,neutral, lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : EI
Mid becoming high,neutral becoming retracted, and lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : ɪ
High,slightly retracted, and lax
Specify the position of jaw, lip posture, and tenseness of tongue : i
High, retracted, and tense