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NSG123 Exam 2 Review

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H2 receptor antagonists are part of the treatment plan for H-Pylori. True or false
False- PPI or Bismuth Salts
Patients with PUD are advised to use OTC ibuprofen as needed for pain. True or False
False- ibuprofen is bad
H-Pylori is a cause of PUD. True or False
Which type of ulcer is more likely to cause pain during the night?
Which type of ulcer is likely to cause pain right after eating?
Gastric Ulcer
Spicy foods can cause peptic ulcers. True or False
False- does not cause ulcers; CAN aggravate an already formed ulcer
What is a common symptom that can occur about 1 day after laparoscopic surgeries?
Pain to the shoulder/scapular area. Gas used in the surgery to "bloat" open the abdomen. Encourage ambulation.
You are caring for patient that just experienced cholecystitis. What diet is best?
Right after attack: Low Fat Liquids (can include protein powder in skim milk)
What role do fat emulsions play in TPN?
Supplemental calories; Help control hyperglycemia (fat slows digestion of sugars)
Why would a patient need a J-tube vs a g-tube?
Stomach motility issues; excessive N/V (J tube bypasses the stomach)
Your patient is having excessive diarrhea from cryptosporidium (parasite). You can expect the provider to order imodium to help treat the diarrhea. True or False
False- we want to get that parasite out of the system; not keep it in
Patients taking Orlistat (Alli) should supplement their diet with what vitamins?
DEAK (fat soluble); Orlistat prevents absorption of fat soluble vitamins
What diagnosis are these procedures used for: Vagal Blocking; Intragastric Balloon Therapy
Bariatric Procedures
It is recommended to take H2 receptor blockers and antacids together at the same time to increase effectiveness of both medications. True or False
False- do not take together- antacids decrease absorption of H2RA; H2RA at night; antacids 1-3 hours before meals
Severe symptoms related to ulcerative colitis are most commonly treated with _____.
Which surgery can cure ulcerative colitis?
Prolectectomy: removal of entire rectum and colon
Which disease can have a symptoms of increased abdominal pain after eating: Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
A patient should be monitored for anemia if they have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. True or False
True: UC can cause anemia from GI bleed; Crohn's anemia can occur from malnutrition
Bisacodyl is a stool softener. True or False?
False- it is a laxative
Define Constipation.
Less than 3 BM/week; Hard, dry, small, difficult to pass stool
Which ethnicity of adult males have a highest prevalence of obesity?
Hispanic men
Eating small meals can help manage symptoms of both GERD and PUD. True or False?
False: Helps with GERD. Does not affect PUD.
How do proton pump inhibitors work?
Inhibit the stomach's H+/K+ ATPase proton pump; Most potent inhibitors of acid production
Prior to prescribing these meds as a treatment for your patient, which labs need to be checked for each? Tums? MOM?
Tums: Calcium; MOM: Magnesium
Barrett Esophagus is considered "pre-cancer". True or False
True: Barretts is cell changes- precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma
What can worsen GERD symptoms?
Smoking, Chocolate, Coffee, Fatty Foods, Alcohol, Large Meals, Eating Too Close to Bedtime, Ibuprofen/Aspirin
What are risk factors for GERD?
Overweight/Obesity, Pregnancy, Delayed Emptying of Stomach, Diseases of Connective Tissue
What is the most common test for Crohn's disease?
Blood in the stool is more common with ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease?
ulcerative colitis
What part of the GI tract can Crohn's affect?
All- Gums to Bums
Your patient is admitted with appendicitis and will have surgery today. An enema should be given preop to help clear out stool prior to surgery. True or False?
False: Enema/laxative= increase risk for bowel perforation
You patient has a BMI of 29. Are they considered obese?
No, BMI 30+ is obese; they are considered overweight
When should a daily dose of H2 Receptor Antagonists be taken?
Evening (basal acid)
Where is pain most common with ulcerative colitis?
Where is pain most common with Crohn's disease?
Your patient is receiving TPN. How often should blood sugar checks be done?
Every 6 hours.
Your patient is receiving tube feeding through an NG tube. How often and with ___ mL should the tube be flushed?
30mL every 4 hours