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Vocabulary 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20. Practice-- I have to practice my exam topics.
I have to practice the notes on my piano.
19.Plan-- I make a plan to hide in the game.
My cousin's plan is very complicated.
18. Memorize-- I have to memorize all my textbooks.
I have to memorize the market list.
17. Discuss-- My brothers and I discuss who is stronger.
My parents discuss what we are going to eat today.
16. Compare-- Dogs are heavier than cats.
If I compare three apples and three oranges, the apples would have more weight.
15. Check-- Checks help to know if we have already done a task, queaser, etc.
The checks say if something is good.
14. Brainstorm-- A brainstorm takes time to do.
Brainstorming can take hours.
13. Analyze-- Suggestions are good to know if your point of view is approved.
Time is required to analyze.
12. Suggestion-- Giving suggestions could help several people.
Suggestions are good to know if your point of view is approved.
11. Presentation-- Presentations are important.
Presentations require a lot of effort.
10. Participation--When you participation you learn something new.
Social participation can help you make new friends.
9. Motivation-- Motivation makes us do things with more desire.
Motivation gives us energy to do anything.
8. Instruction-- The instructions help make everything more orderly.
The instructions are very specific.
7. Information-- There is all kinds of information.
Information is used for everything.
6. Imagination-- Imagination is what makes things fun.
Imagination has no limits.
5. Education-- The education of my school is very good.
Education is good for the future.
4. Distraction-- The phone distraction me.
Playing on TV distraction my brother from many things.
3. Correction-- The correction makes you better in several ways.
The correction helps you no longer make mistakes that you have made before.
2. Concentration-- You have to concentration to do things right.
Concentration is the root of all brilliant ideas.
1.Communication-- Communication is used for all kinds of things.
Communication is very important in life.