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Places and activities 2 - What is there and what ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_ _ _ _ _ _ ice skate.
She can ice skate.
He can ice skate.
She can't ice skate.
He can't ice skate.
An ambulance took me to the __(place)__ because I broke my arm while __(activity)__.
An ambulance took me to the hospital because I broke my arm while skateboarding.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
They can play table tennis.
They can play football.
They can't play table tennis.
They can't play football.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ row a canoe.
They can row a canoe.
They can't row a canoe.
We can row a canoe.
He can row a canoe.
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ very well.
He can't dive very well.
He can't swim very well.
He can dive very well.
He can swim very well.
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ do karate.
He can't do karate.
She can't do karate.
She can do karate.
He can do karate.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ do judo.
They can do judo.
They can't do judo.
He can do judo.
She can't do judo.
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ ride a bike.
He can't ride a bike.
She can't ride a bike.
He can ride a bike.
I can't ride a bike.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ride a _ _ _ _ _ .
She can ride a horse.
He can ride a horse.
She can't ride a bike.
He can ride a bike.
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ rollerblade, but _ _ _ _ _ dance!
He can't rollerblade, but he can dance!
She can't rollerblade, but she can dance!
He can rollerblade, but he can't dance!
She can rollerblade, but she can't dance!
The cat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
The cat can skateboard!
The cat can rollerblade!
The cat can ride a bike!
The cat can ride a horse!
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ ice skate.
He can't ice skate.
She can't ice skate.
I can't ice skate.
He can ice skate.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a famous _ _ _ _ _ _ in Paris. It's called the Louvre.
There is a famous museum in Paris.
There are a famous hospital in Paris.
There is a famous cinema in Paris.
There are a famous newsagent's in Paris.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in that village, so they have to go to the nearest city to report a crime.
There isn't a police station in that village...
There is a police station in that village...
There isn't a train station in that village...
There is a train station in that village...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ in the town square.
There is a café in the town square.
There isn't a café in the town square.
There is a bus stop in the town square.
There is a shops the town square.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ many _ _ _ _ _ in Jaén where you can go to buy clothes and shoes.
There are many shops in Jaén...
There is many shops in Jaén...
There are many supermarkets in Jaén...
There aren't many shops in Jaén...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Garcíez. Be sure to get there before 8:45 if you want to go to Úbeda!
There is a bus stop in GarcĂ­ez.
There are a shops in GarcĂ­ez.
There is a train station in GarcĂ­ez.
There is a newsagent's in GarcĂ­ez.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ in a big city, but in GarcĂ­ez _ _ _ _ _ _ _ only one.
There are many newsagent's in a big city, but in GarcĂ­ez there is only one.
Answer: There is a big _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Úbeda. It's called Carrefour.
Question: Are there any supermarkets in Úbeda?
Question: Are there any shops in Úbeda?
Question: Is there any supermarkets in Úbeda?
Question: Is there a newsagent's in Úbeda?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ any cinemas in GarcĂ­ez.
There aren't any cinemas in GarcĂ­ez.
There isn't any cinemas in GarcĂ­ez.
There are any cinemas in GarcĂ­ez.
There is any cinemas in GarcĂ­ez.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in GarcĂ­ez. The nearest one is in JĂłdar.
There isn't a train station in GarcĂ­ez.
There is a train station in GarcĂ­ez.
There isn't a bus stop in GarcĂ­ez.
There aren't a bus stop in GarcĂ­ez.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ seven _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in downtown Toronto. Canadians have good healthcare.
There are seven hospitals in downtown Toronto.
There is seven hospitals in downtown Toronto.
There aren't seven hospitals in downtown Toronto.
There isn't seven hospitals in downtown Toronto.