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GA Renaissance Day 2 Reading Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Alexander's weapons are still used today.
False (battle strategies)
True or False: Alexander was a king of ancient Rome.
False (Macedonia)
True or False: Alexander the Great got his name by being fat.
False (He was a great leader.)
True or False: Alexander was a great for many reasons.
True or False: Anyone can be a great ruler.
True or False: Penny thinks blogs are useless and unofficial.
False (She will prove them wrong.)
True or False: On the internet, people can tell you what to say.
False (they cannot tell you what to say)
True or False: Penny's teachers think she doesn't listen.
True or False: Penny likes to ask questions.
True or False: Penny is starting her own podcast
False (blog)
Alexander the Great was brave, too, and always led his man into battle rather than telling them what to do from a ______ distance.
A. private B. safe C. uncomfortable d. risky
Alexander the Great was physically strong and went _____ in battle his whole life.
A. established B. accomplished C. undefeated d. crushed
By the age of 30, Alexander the Great had created one of the largest _____ of the ancient world.
A. territories B. kingdoms C. empires d. countries
It is very rare that one ruler is a(n)______ of all of these traits.
A. recipe B. combination C. pattern d. arrangement
Some rulers are strong in battle, others are intelligent in ______, and some are even kind an sympathetic to their enemies.
A. plan B. policy C. mystery d. strategy
Some people feel that blogs are useless because they are _____ and not official sources of information.
A. communicative B. unsocial C. public d. shared
If my teachers won't let me _____ the way I feel in the classroom, then I will do it here.
A. impress B. cross C. express d. miss
I can write about how I feel and hopefully find people who can _____ with me.
A. understand B. empathize C. ignore d. dwell
Whenever I put my hand up to ask for more information, they tell me to, 'just get on with my work' and it's really _____.
A. pleasing B. fair C. annoying d. fun
Hello, fellow Internet _____! My name is Penny and I've decided to start my own Internet blog.
A. users B. clients C. customers D. workers