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City Life

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This glamour also has its................................
own attraction for the people rushing to cities
face financial difficulties = struggle financially
financial difficulties , for example not being able to pay rent , no money to pay taxes
This of course ......................... and a city offers more avenues and has .................... and there are more job opportunities.
is absolutely necessary for all human beings / greater potential for jobs
It is a .................... and life style to be seen everywhere
huge habitation with brilliant life
...................., there is a lot of money flowing in a city.
Life style becomes good as
There is besides the ............., a lot of glamour in most of them
tensions of city life
People throng to a city basically for their employment i.e. for a means for .........
a living or earning
Since every individual is busy ............................ there is bound to be in city a tough competition
looking for opportunities of livelihood
City is a place where life has become ....... and ....... and also mechanised
modern / comfortable
hope for a better life
in the hope of having a better life
Leaving the countryside to go to the city to live and work
migrate from the countryside to cities
is an area for industrial development
industrial zone
a number of households living together, living in a certain geographical area
residential area
the strong growth of urbanization
intensive urban growth
The process of widespread development of urban lifestyle is reflected in the aspects of population, population density, quality of life...
urbanisation/ urban sprawl
people living in the city
city dwellers
a big city
a large metropolis