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Adjectives (To describe attitude & opinions)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's not fair: that boy's got a much newer phone than me. a) upset b) jealous c) ashamed
b) jealous
You can take as much time as you like.I'll wait here for you. a) cheerful b) confident c) patient
c) patient
I can't believe that's the first time you skated! You did so well. a) impressed b) cheerful c) grateful
a) impressed
I've been in a good mood all day. a) upset b) confident c) cheerful
c) cheerful
I thought my team would win the cup, but they lost the final 5-0! a) upset b) confident c) patient
a) upset
It was silly of me to do that. I'm very sorry. a) upset b) jealous c) ashamed
c) ashamed
I've studied really hard, so I'm sure I'll do well in tomorrow's test. a) confident b) impressed c) jealous
a) confident
I've been in a good mood all day. a) upset b) confident c) cheerful
c) cheerful
Thanks very much for helping me. You're very kind. a) happy b) grateful c) patient
b) grateful