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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Class 2C has 8 students on Computer Science. Each student has a computer, mouse and keyboard. How many electronic devices are there?
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville won 8 Gryffindor points each. How many points did they win together?
8x4 = 32
Grinch and his dog steal 7 toys each. How many toys have they got together?
Frodo, Katie, Alex, Pip and Squeak want to find treasure. Each of them has 4 clues. How many clues are there together?
There are 4 girls who ride different horses together at the same time. How many horses' legs are there together that day?
There are 5 boys who collect football cards. Each boy has 9 football cards in school. How many football cards do they have together?
Harry, Ron and Hermione need 9 books for Hogwarts. How many books do they have together?
There are 6 friends coming to Iron Man's birthday party. Each guest has 5 presents. How many presents does Iron Man get?
There are 9 students in 2B on Friday. How many shoes are there?
Hawkeye and Black Widow have got 8 arrows each. How many arrows have they got together?
There are 5 plates - for Ms. Karolina, Ms. Dagmara, Ms. Edyta, Mr. Artur and Ms. Beatka. On each plate there are 3 pieces of pizza. How many slices of pizza are there?
Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye have 3 phones each. How many phones have they got together?
Mr. Bean has got 6 cars. How many wheels are there together?
6x4 = 24