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The bahala na philosophy puts complete trust in the Divine Providence.( True or False )
impossible for a thing to be and not be at the same time, and at the same respect.
Non contradiction
An investigation is systematic, follow certain steps or it employs certain procedures, and an organized body of knowledge.
It deals with the fundamental questions of reality
Born in Athens around 469 BCE. Son of a midwife and a sculptor.
Deals with the notion of beauty and the philosophy of art.
a thing is either is or not; everything must be either be; between being and not-being, there is no middle ground possible.
excluded Middle
is mistakenly interpret as always delayed in the committed time of arrival
Filipino Time
means being minutes to hours late compared to the standard time.
Filipino Time
Whatever it is; and whatever is not is not; everything is what it is. Everything is its own being, and not being is not being.
 The establishment of criteria of beauty is the function of
 Appreciation of Beauty
comes from the Greek word logike.
investigation is systematic, follow certain steps or it employs certain procedures, and an organized body of knowledge.
: (1) how we know what we claim to know; (2) how we can find out what we wish to know;