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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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puts one in touch with his fellow beings.
nothing exists without a sufficient reason for its being and existence.
Sufficient Reason
deals with nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge (Soccio 2007).
a thing is either is or not; everything must be either be; between being and not-being, there is no middle ground possible.
Excluded Middle
is generally a study of the nature of moral judgments.
impossible for a thing to be and not be at the same time, and at the same respect.
Non Contradiction
Whatever it is; and whatever is not is not; everything is what it is. Everything is its own being, and not being is not being.
 deals with the fundamental questions of reality.
is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being to know what is real.
One ancient thinker, employed the term “boundless”.
sets the distinction between philosophy from other sciences. - Philosophy is not one dimensional or partial.
study of all things
Philosophy investigates things, not by using any laboratory instrument or investigative tools
Natural Light of Reason
– investigation is systematic, follow certain steps or it employs certain procedures, and an organized body of knowledge
the study of the nature of reality and existence, of what it is possible to know, and of right and wrong behavior, or a particular set belief