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Nile is an important river of Veld grasslands.
Limpopo is an important river of Veld grasslands.
Temperate Grasslands are known as Veld in North America.
Temperate Grasslands are known as Veld/Prairies in North America/ South Africa.
One of the famous crop in Ladakh is Date palm.
One of the famous crop in Ladakh/Sahara desert is Date palm/Apricot.
Willow trees are found in The Prairies.
Willow trees are found in Ladakh.
Eskimos are found in Sahara desert.
Bedouins are found in Sahara desert.
Atacama desert is located in North America and is a Hot Desert.
Atacama desert is located in South America and is a Cold Desert.
Deserts have Temperate and Moist climate.
Deserts have Extreme and Dry climate.