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Is the largest of Earth’s interior zones
Inner planet receives light than outer planets ( TRUE OR FALSE)
Earth’s solid exterior, which is composed of a great variety of rock, types that response in diverse ways and at varying rates to surfaces processes.
Earth and ______- are the right size to hold sufficient atmosphere
-15% C to _____ C life thrives and liquid water exist
115 C
color of mineral in powder form.
It is a ground motions of Earth caused when accumulating tectonic stress is relieved by the sudden displacement of rocks along a fault.
the object is not alive, and was not part of anything was alive.
About ______ of Earth's surface is land consisting of continents and islands
29.2 percent
forms a 2400-kilometers (1500-mi) thick bond around the inner core. Rock matter at the top of outer core has a density of about 10 grams per cubic centimeter (0.4 lbs. /in.).
Outer Core
has a radius of about 960 kilometers (600 mi). the speeds of P waves traveling through the inner core shows that it is a solid
Inner Core
• The Jovian planets are______,_________,________,________
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Person who studies minerals
Process of breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces