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Persuasive essay review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"After a sleepless night, I went to school feeling like a zombie." What kind of persuasive strategy is this?
"This is a problem that we must conquer together." What kind of persuasive strategy is this?
Inclusive language
Tim is writing a persuasive essay to ask for less homework. He starts his essay by saying in the past, one of his friends fell asleep in class because she had to stay up late to finish homework. What kind of supporting detail is this?
Name two ways you can check if the research source is reliable.
Check if the author is an expert in this field + Check the date to make sure the source is updated.
To get your readers' attention, what should you write at the beginning?
What is the purpose of persuasive essays?
To convince/persuade someone to agree with your view, or to take actions.
Susan is brainstorming for her essay by identifying main topics. Sne then writes substopics around each main topic. Which brainstorming techniques is Susan using for her essay?
Julie supports reading and argues that students who read for 15 minutes each day during the school year will read the equivalent of 36 whole school days. What kind of supporting detail is this?
What do you need to add to your essay to make it more persuasive to readers?
Give evidence
What is the final thing to write in the conclusion?
Call to action
What is the last sentence in a persuasive essay called?
Thesis statement