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19th Century Spain

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What was the Holy Alliance? When was it established?
Ferdinand VII asked European Monarchs for help against the re-establishment of the 1812 Constitution
What 3 major problems did Amadeo I face during his reign?
His main supporter Prim was murdered, he was opposed by the church and the carlists, and there was a war in Cuba.
Who was made head of state in 1874?
General Serrano
How many presidents did the First Republic have? Name them.
It had 4. Figueras, Pi y Margall, Salmeron, and Castelar
Who triggered the Revolution of 1868?  What were their political parties?
The progressives and democrats led by Admiral Topete, General Prim, and General Serrano
What was a negative result of turno pacifico?
Caciquismo, social coercion in the rural areas that manupulated elections
Who was Queen of England from 1837-1901?  Her grand-daughter married the King of Spain.
Queen Victoria
Where did the Industrial Revolution start?
Great Britain
Why did the War of Independence happen?
The Spanish people revolted against the French invasion led by Napoleon Bonaparte
What was turno pacifico?
A two party system that alternated power between the major parties and sidelined the minority parties.
What is the Restoration and when did it start?
The return to the Bourbon dynasty with Alfonso XII in 1874
Why did Ferdinand VII change the law on who could inherit the throne?
He wanted his daughter, Isabella II, to inherit the throne
What was the Treaty of Valencay and when was it signed?
It ended French occupation of Spain and returned the crown to Ferdinand VII in 1813.
The Spanish used guerilla warfare against the French. What does that mean?
It is war fought by small groups of  soldiers against larger forces, using surprise attacks.
How old was Isabella II when her father, Ferdinand VII, died?
3 years old
What 2 major things did General Prim do?
He led an uprising to overthrow Isabella II and installed Amadeo I on the throne
Who led the Coup d'état in 1874?
General Manuel Pavía
What did Ferdinand VII do when he returned to Spain in 1814?
He revoked the Constitution and returned Spain to absolutism
Who led the rebellion that started the Liberal Triennium? When?
Rafael de Riego in 1820
Name three things the Constitution of Cádiz established
Freedoom of press, freedom of expression, voting rights, national sovereignty, constitutional monarchy
Name the three kings that ruled Spain in 1808
Carlos IV, José Bonaparte, Ferdinand VII
What was the industrial revolution?
A revolution in which factories became the main form of manufacture, new transports were invented, new economic system
What happened in the first republic of Spain?
There was a lot of instability. There were 4 presidents in 11 months and 4 civil wars.
Who was the first king after the first republic?
Alfonso XII
Why did Napoleon sign the Treaty of Fontainebleau with Godoy?
Because he wanted the French army to be allowed to cross Spain to conquer Portugal.
How many Carlist conflicts were there in the 19th century?
Which countries were Spain and USA fighting for during the Spanish-American war?
Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
When did the Spanish-American war begin?
How long was the Constitution of Cádiz in effect?
For two years (1812-1814)
When did Alfonso XII become king?
Put these events in the correct chronological order:  REGENCY OF ESPARTERO, GLORIOUS REVOLUTION, FIRST CARLIST WAR, FIRST REPUBLIC
1) First Carlist War (1833-40), 2) Regency of Espartero (1840-43), 3) Glorious Revolution (1868), 4) First Republic (1873-74)
Who were the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis?
They were the 'army' of the Holly Alliance. They helped Ferdinand VII return to absolutism.
What's the historical context that surrounds the Constitution of 1869?
Isabella II's reign was unstable, there was a Glorious Revolution (1868),and a Provisional Government was created, which established a Parliamentary Monarchy.
Who were the two regents in Isabella II's reign?
Her mother, María Cristina and Espartero
Name the 3  main stages of the reign of Ferdinand VII
1) Six years of absolutism or 'Sexenio Absolutista', 2) Liberal Triennium or 'Trienio Liberal', 3) Ominous Decade or 'Década Ominosa'
What happened to Isabella II in 1868?
She was forced into exile in France.
What did Amadeo I do in 1873?
He abdicated and fled the country.
Who fought in the first Carlist War? Name both sides.
The absolutists (Carlists) against the liberals (Isabelinos).
Who changed Salic Law? How?
King Ferdinand VII. He issued the Pragmatic Sanction.
What was Salic Law?
An ancient frankish law preventing women from being monarch.
What is the meaning of uprising?
What happened to the Spanish colonies in America during Ferdinand VII's reign?
The Spanish colonies started to proclaim their independence.
What did Ferdinand VII do with the Constitution of 1812?
He abolished it and restored absolutism.
Who took the throne after the War of Independence?
Ferdinand VII
When and where was the first Spanish Constitution passed?
It was passed in Cortes de Cádiz in 1812.
When did the War of Independence begin and when did it end?
1808 to 1814