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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We can use plants for oxygen, medicine and _______.
Which kind of tree has leaves all year round? Deciduous or Evergreen Trees
Evergreen Trees
What part makes food for for the plant?
the leaves
What part of the plant holds the seeds?
the fruit
The _______ hold the plant in place.
The _______ holds up the plant.
What is the missing part of the plant called?
the roots
Grass has a soft and flexible green _______.
A bush has many hard but thin _______.
A tree has many _________ that grow high above the ground.
A tree has one thick and hard stem, called a _________.
What kind of plant is this?
This is grass
What kind of plant is this?
This is a tree
What kind of plant is this?
This is a bush
Plants need sunlight, water, air ,space and ______.
True or False: This is the correct life cycle of plants.
FALSE- The correct cycle is born, grow, reproduce and die
True or False: Plants can NOT reproduce.
FALSE- They can reproduce
True or False: Plants are living things.