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How do you feel and what would you do?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You want to keep playing a game on your computer but your teacher tells you to stop
a) I feel _____ and b) best solution - close your chromebook and play later or try to sneak playing or argue with your teacher
You are playing volleyball in PE and don't agree with the other team about something
a) I feel _____ and best solution - stand there and get upset or stop playing or go to the teacher or call a time out to discuss
You are working on math problems during independent class work and you don't know how to do the next two problems.
a) I feel ____ and b) best solution - sit at your desk getting frustrated OR ask a student next to you or tell the teacher that you are confused and need help
You are trying to get your in-class work done and the student next to you keeps talking to other students around you
a) I feel ____ and b) best solution - sit there feeling annoyed OR put your earbuds on OR ask them to stop and let them know you are trying to get this done n
You are in class and realize that you misplaced your cell phone
a) I feel _____ b) best solution - sit at your desk and get upset or go tell the teacher that you misplaced your phone and ask what you should do