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Who are we ? Y4s 2024

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Mr. Gabriel has a bird named Frederico.
False. He has a cat called Gaia
Ms. Dany loves going to concerts and she has been to more than 15 concerts in her life. True or false ?
Super true. I 've been to many concerts .
Ms. Dany has also taught the little ones. True or false?
True. Nursery was her first group.
Ms. Dany has three brothers. True or false ?
False. Ms. Dany has three sisters.
Mr. Gabriel favorite chocolate is Talento. True or false ?
Which country Has Ms. Dany lived ? Canada or USA ?
Ms. Jana loves blue. True or false ?
Ms. Dany has studied at 2 universities . True or false ?
False : 5 - USP, University of Toronto, Uninove, Cruzeiro do Sul and UniDom Bosco.
Ms. Jana likes to watch drama movies. True or false ?
Ms. Dany has one cat, one dog and one fish. True or false?
False - 2 cats and one dog.