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a snowy day

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what was the resolution of the second problem?
what was the resolution to the first problem?
he made a snowman/snow angel
how was the boy curious?
What was the second problem of the story?
the snowball melted
What was first problem to the story?
couldn't play in the snowball fight
What would do on a snow day?
What did he do after breakfast?
went to go play in the snow
What was his dream about?
all the snow melted
What happened to the snowball?
it melted
After he took off his wet clothes, where did he go?
to take a bath
When he got home from playing what did he do first?
took off his wet clothes
what did he do with the snowball?
put it in his pocket
When he climbed the hill what did he pretend he was?
a mountain climber
What did he do when he couldn't be included in the snowball fight?
made snow angels and built a snowman
Why couldn't he join the snowball fight and did that make him feel?
he was too young/little... He was sad
what did he do with the stick?
hit the tree and snow fell on his head
What did he find in the snow?
a stick
What sound did the snow make?
what happened when the boy woke up?
it snowed
Where did the story take place? The setting
outside in the snow
who was the main character?
Peter/the boy