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Andy and Alex haven´t practised this extreme sport yet. Will they dare ?
ice climbing
Angelina and Alexa haven´t decided what extreme sport they want to practice. May be is this one?
wing suiting
Laia and Avril haven´t gone to buy the rope they need to improve this sport...yet
Pau and Joan have been watching at different inflatable bumper balls to roll down a hill. What sport is this?
Mar and Paula have never been practicing this...
Teo, Axel, and Jan have just been practising...
bungee jumping
It´s a challenging sport. You must be very strong and balanced to practice it. Sasha and Izan want to try it!
rock climbing
Biel, Gabriela and Roman haven´t tried this sport yet.
water skiing
You need a glider to fly and in order to protect you a helmet and a harness are necessary. Xavi and Pol are decided to try it!
Arnau is into it. He needs boots, a compass , a blade knife, an archeon, a light, a trekking pole ...
What do you need to practise scuba diving? Berta is interested in this sport, as well as Aina.
snorkel, mask and fins
What are they practising? Ariadna is afraid of practising it but Aitana and Claudia C is willing to do it.
hang glider
Claudia G has been willing to try this sport for long, and Ariadna S wants to go with her. Are they serious?