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Body language and human sounds

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You're shaking your head...
... you might be showing your disapproval/disagreeement.
You're yawning...
... you might be bored or tired.
You're sighing...
... you may be feeling relief, or sadness, or tiredness. 
You're gasping...
... you may be astonished, scared or feeling pain.
You're shrugging your shoulders...
... you may be expressing ignorance, doubt or indifference.
You're scowling...
... you may be angry at someone/something and bad-tempered.
You're pursing your lips...
... you might be angry or thinking hard.
You're pouting...
... you may be annoyed or disappointed.
You're nodding your head...
... you agree with someone.
You're grinning...
... you're amused, very satisfied or plotting something mischievious.
You're giving a thumbs up...
... you're showing your support of something or excitement. 
You're frowning...
... you're either disapproving sth, or concentrating on sth.
You're fidgeting...
... you're nervous or impatient.
You're bowing your head...
... you're greeting someone of a higher status or paying respect.
You're biting your fingernails...
... you might be worried or anxious.
You're tuting...
... you might be annoyed or disapproving sth.