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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Don't swear in my house, Nicole!" Said Paris
Paris told Nicole not to swear in her house.
"Open your mouth wide, Mr Kane" said the dentist.
The dentist told Mr Kane to open his mouth wide.
"Can you show me the way to the station, please, Mr. Police Officer?" said Mei Ling
Mei Ling asked the Police Officer to show her the way to the station.
"Don't listen to that angry man, Martin", said Malcolm
Malcolm told Martin not to listen to the angry man.
"Don't drink bleach, people!" said the scientist
The scientist told the people not to drink bleach.
"Can you help me with this bag please, Cristina?" said George
George asked Cristina to help him with the bag.
"Don't be so silly, Arthur!" said Anna
Anna told Arthur not to be so silly.
"Don't tell anybody my secret, James" said Jonas
Jonas told James not to tell anybody his secret
"Can you lend me your pencil please, Stuart?" said Madeleine
Madeleine asked Stuart to lend her his pencil.
"Can you open the window please Harriet?" said Edgar
Edgar asked Harriet to open the window.
"Give me five more minutes in bed, mum!" said Louis
Louis told his mum to give him five more minutes in bed.
"Don't talk during the test, Diogo" said the teacher
The teacher told Diogo not to talk during the test.
"Can you explain the third question to me please, teacher?" Said Sophie
Sophie asked the teacher to explain the third question to her.
"Turn the music down, Michael!" said Michael's dad
Michael's dad told him to turn the music down.
"Don't pack your bags until I say so!" Said the teacher
The teacher told them not to pack their bags until he said so.
"Can you pass me the bread, please, Tom?" said Mary
Mary asked Tom to pass him the bread