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if you are unsure about halacha who sould you ask
rabbi or parent or morah hava
examples of objects that are put away because we don't want it to be damaged
important paper , a special knife or electronics like an iPad
what are examples of things that no specified use on shaboss
money or uncooked food
what are examples of things that are used to do something your not allowed to do on shaboss
radio, computer hammer, lawn mower, phone
what are the 2 reasons we learned why we have the halchos of mutzakh?
if we were allowed to move anything we might use it on shaboss, if we were allowed to move anything on shaboos we wouldn't rest on shaboss
what is muktzkah?
things that should be set aside before shaboss
how important is it to keep shaboss?
when you keep shaboss properly it is like you kept the entire Torah
What are examples of oneg shaboss enjoying shaboss?
having special meals, preparing special food, taking a shaboss nap, learning torah, spending time with family
what are examples of how we make shaboss extra special?
cleaning the house, taking a bath, wearing nice clothes and lighting the shaboss candles
Give examples of activities that are not allowed on shaboos
turning on lights, cooking, driving, using electronics
What must we do to protect shaboss?
stop doing work that we stop doing on shaboss
what two mitzvos that are done on shaboss fall under the category of remembering shaboss?
Kiddush and Havadlah
What is the source of the 39 melachos?
how the mishkan was built
How many malchos are there?
what mitzvah is very dear to Hashem?
what are the two different ways that the Torah tells us about Shaboss
Zachor to remember shaboss and to shomer to protect shaboss