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John Henry and the Machine

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What is the scenario for "John Henry and the Machine"?
The setting / situation of the story is a railroad.
What is a 'tall tale'?
A story that is unbelievable
Who are the characters in the story?
John Henry & the stranger
List 3 things you know about John Henry.
born mighty, loved to pound rocks, worked for the railroad, boasted about his strength, won the contest against the machine.
Why did the stranger want to prove that his machine was more powerful than ten men?
To show that machines are greater than humans.
Why was John Henry so happy working for the railroad.
Because he loved to pound on rocks.
What did a stranger bring to town?
The stranger brought a new drilling machine to town.
Who did John Henry work for when he grew up?
John Henry worked for the railroad.
What could John Henry do as a baby that no other baby could do?
He could lift a sledgehammer over his head.
What is an antonym of 'mighty'?
What is an antonym of 'mighty'? VERY WEAK
What is an antonym of 'machine'?
What is an antonym of 'machine'? HUMAN
What is an antonym of 'sputter'?
What is an antonym of 'sputter'? CONTINUOUS
What is an antonym of 'boast'?
What is an antonym of 'boast'? HUMBLE
What is an antonym of 'anticipate'?
What is an antonym of 'anticipate'? TO SURPRISE
What is an antonym of 'display'?
What is an antonym of 'display'? TO HIDE
What is one synonym of 'anticipate'?
What is one synonym of 'anticipate'? EXPECT
What is one synonym of 'machine'?
What is one synonym of 'machine'? DEVICE
What is one synonym of 'mighty'?
What is one synonym of 'mighty'? VERY STRONG
What did John Henry use to win the contest?
What did John Henry use to win the contest? his sledgehammer
What did John Henry have to do in order to win the contest?
Break through the rock wall before the machine did.
The stranger said that his machine was more powerful than __________.
The stranger said that his machine was more powerful than TEN MEN.
What is one synonym of 'boasted'?
What is one synonym of 'boasted'? BRAGGED
"John Henry and the Machine" is a __________.
"John Henry and the Machine" is a TALL TALE.
__________ means setting or situation for a story.
SCENARIO means setting or situation for a story.
__________ means show.
DISPLAY means show.
__________ means expect something to happen.
ANTICIPATE means expect something to happen.
The car began to __________ as it ran out of gas.
The car began to SPUTTER as it ran out of gas.
The engine of the machine __________ before it stopped working.
The engine of the machine SPUTTERED before it stopped working.
The stranger __________ about how fast and powerful his machine was.
The stranger BOASTED about how fast and powerful his machine was.
The stranger said his __________ could beat John Henry through the stone wall.
The stranger said his MACHINE could beat John Henry through the stone wall.
The worker used a __________ to break the cement.
The worker used a SLEDGEHAMMER to break the cement.
A __________ wave came up over the side of the ship.
A MIGHTY wave came up over the side of the ship.