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Adverb or adjective?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(HARD) Italian grammar is _________ than English grammar
CLEAR. My new teacher explains grammar _________ than my old one.
more clearly
(QUICK) We're going to be late! Drive ________ please!
more quickly
(STRESSED) I feel ____________ this year than last year. I need to relax.
more stressed
(SLOW) Please can you drive more ________?
(EARLY) They arrived _________ than us.
She has a LOUD voice. Yes, she always talks very ____________
(FAST) I am very _____ at typing. I type very _______
fast / fast
adjective: FAST adverb: ________
adjective : GOOD adverb: ________
(HARD) I work very ________
(SLOW) Koalas move very _________ They are ________ animals.
slowly / slow
(QUICK) He learns new things _______ He is a _______ learner.
quickly / quick
(GOOD) He's a ______ football player. He plays football ________
good / well
(TERRIBLE) She's a ______ cook. She cooks _________
terrible / terribly
(NOISY) Pigs are ________. Pigs eat _________.
noisy / noisily