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English World 6 Unit 5 Patterns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are Aran islands?
near Ireland
What is different about motanka doll from others?
Their faces aren't pained.
Where do motanka dolls come from?
What does the palin part of Quechua cloth represent?
land where no crops are planted
Describe this doll.
It's wearing a patterned shawl and an apron. It hasn't got a face.
Why do Ukrainians make motanka dolls?
Ukrainians believe they bring luck to their owner.
What's this?
It's a blackberry.
How do Ukrainians decorathe their clothes?
They decorate them with embroidered patterns.
What are they?
They're Motanka dolls.
What do we call the traditional Ukrainian embroidery?
Where do people take their ideas for patterns from?
from the world around them: animals, plants, village life
What's this? Can you describe it?
It's a pullover. It's made from wool. It's yellow and it's plain.
Can you find something patterned in this room?
You did it!
Why do people decorate things with patterns?
It's easy and pretty.
Decribe this tray.
It's a wooden tray. It's decorated with a flower pattern.
Describe this scarf.
It's made of wool. It's green and it's decorated with patterns.
What does a toad represent?
rain and growing plants
What does a toad do just before a rainy season?
It croaks.
What do you call this animal?
It's a toad.
What does a condor represent in Quechua cloth?
strength, freedom and power
What do you call this bird?
It's a condor.
A pattern is ...
a drawing of lines, shapes or objects that is repeated.
What is is?
It's a pattern.