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powtórka gramatka Pr. S/Cont; Past S./Cont; use ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____you_____trainers in school? (used to/wear)
Did .....use to wear....
Annie_____a bike for school when she was 10. (used to/ride)
used to ride
Rachel______cartoons when she was a kid. (not/used to/watch)
didn't use to watch
Monica______basketball when she lived in California. (used to/play)
used to play
Ron____________in the USA when he was 5. (used to/live)
used to live
we_______when the postman came.
weren't sleeping
I___________my bedroom when the phone rang. (clean)
was cleaning
She___________when the scenery fell down. (act)
was acting
He_______the guitar when his mum came in. (play)
was playing
______you______a TV last night? (watch)
They_______to the story about gorillas. (listen)
Ann_________a picture of an apple. (not/paint)
didn't paint
He________to that girl yesterdaay before lunch. (smile)
Jane,_________football 2 days ago. (play)
The audience wasa cheering when the lights______out. (go)
Kevin______on stage when he slipped. (walk)
was walking
the performer was singing when the scenery_______down. (fall)
Tim _______a play at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
was watching
Ann was fixing the costumes when the actors_________on stage. (come)
John__________the stage props at 8 o'clock last night. (organise)
was organising
Mary wants to______Arts and Crafts
Ellen and Nick enjoy_______sport. (practice)
Sarah is interested in______up for Drama classes. (sign)
Tim wants______animations. (create)
to create
Paula doesn't mind_______for the school newspaper.
Today, Jim____animations at school. (create)
is creating
Ann never_____to school late. (get)